Coffee minus the camel’s milk is giving me the hump | Comment

Coffee minus the camel's milk is giving me the hump | Comment

anna temkin

 The Times

Anna Temkin

Having just got back from Abu Dhabi, I'm missing the winter sun but there's another Middle Eastern treat I crave even more: the camelccino, a regional version of the cappuccino which combines rich, aromatic coffee with camel's milk. Instead of the customary chocolate sprinkling, my hot drink was topped with a swirl of date syrup.

Though hard to come by in the West, camelccinos are a fixture of café culture in the UAE, along with camelattes and camel milkshakes. For centuries camel's milk has been a staple of the Bedouin diet but it is only recently that it has become a commercial product. In UAE supermarkets you can now find bottled camel's milk, camel-milk cheese and camel-milk chocolate. The milk, which has a slightly smoky…

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