ALERT: ISIS Video Shows Apparent Execution Of Japanese Hostage

ALERT: ISIS video shows apparent execution of Japanese journalist

The AP and other outlets reported that ISIS released a video on Saturday that appeared to show the execution of Japanese reporter Kenji Goto, who had been held by the extremist group

This is a developing story...check back for updates.

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Saturday's Morning Email: Funnies Edition

The Morning Email
Saturday January 31st, 2015
Saturday Edition: The Funnies

Teacher Of The Year Leads Students In Epic Dance Party To 'Uptown Funk'
Some A+ work over here.
Too hot.

17 Weird But Endearing Things Couples Do To Annoy Each Other
"I ask her hypothetical questions about our cat: 'If Noodles was the U.S. poet laureate, where would she draw her inspiration from? What would she write about?'"
Love. Go figure.

The One Instagram Account That Will Make You Appreciate Your Mom
Unless she's exactly like @CrazyJewishMom in which case, good luck.
Remember: Family is forever.

Tiny Chihuahua And Giant Mastiff Prove BFFs Come In All Sizes
The two pups met at a shelter and OMG WE CAN'T.
Our hearts!

Street Harassers Awesomely Schooled When Targets Turn Out To Be Their Mothers
Lesson #1: Don't.
street harassers
Some day, we'll all wear yoga pants in peace.

Here's Rowlf from "The Muppets" performing Biz Markie's 1989 crossover hit "Just A Friend," so, you're welcome.

And one more thing...

When It Comes To Super Bowl Sunday, There's Really Only One Thing That Matters ...

eva cartoon
Illustration by Eva Hill

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