Why you should read Harper Lee's new book

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Salute Your Shorts: A Side Note To 'The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up'


"In the history of sock rights, [author Marie] Kondo is a pioneer blazing out of nowhere. She describes the footwear as tireless workers, caught between foot and shoe in a sliver of space, rubbed and smelly by the day's end -- usually, let's face it, despised. Kondo advises us never to ball them, comparing the action to unwittingly hurting a friend... Reading this, I felt a thrill of recognition." (Read more here)

Here's Why You Should Read 'Go Set A Watchman'


"Releasing Go Set a Watchman isn't just a greedy move on the part of publishers. The book provides us with information that'll be valuable to the way To Kill a Mockingbird is conceived. Whereas the latter classic paints an idealized picture of Atticus Finch, the former draft shows us that he's complex, and deeply flawed, just like the legal system he represents." (Read more here)

What Happens When An Art Museum Transforms Into A Giant Arcade


"Meet Faile, a collective of two artists named Patrick McNeil and Patrick Miller who together have a penchant for turning the halls of art galleries and museums into video game meccas. Now, meet Ada. Ada is a 9-year-old Minecraft champion and budding comic book writer who would like nothing more than to wander the expanses of an empty arcade, tearing open the consoles to see what's inside. That is, after she's confidently defeated each and every game she can get her hands on." (Read more here)

Want A Lesson In How People Judge Women's Voices? Start A Podcast.


"We are two women. We also decided to start a podcast about 'The Bachelor' franchise, 'Here To Make Friends,' several months ago, because we thought it would be fun and believed we had some things to say on the subject that might be worth listening to. We knew we would have some haters -- as women who write for a living on the Internet, we're no strangers to the backlash ladies who deign to have opinions tend to receive -- but we weren't prepared for how much of the critique we received would be centered around one thing: our voices." (Read more here)

Artist Asks What Reincarnation Means Across the World


"'Pain slowly reappears when we try to escape from memory and oblivion. Reincarnation does not seek to signify the emergence of an unprecedented phenomenon, but suggests a way of remembering the deceased and the suffering, as well as restoring conscience, morality, empathy, and justice.' -IM Heung-soon, translated by Harry C.H. Choi." (Read more here)

Why You May Not Have Ever Seen An Original Frida Kahlo In Real Life


"'Look How Many Works By Frida Kahlo We Were Able To Get' could be the title of most Kahlo-inspired exhibitions, one art dealer remarked to Artnet. As for private collectors, only about 60 works have made it to the auction block in the past two decades, according to an Artnet investigation. With all our love for Frida Kahlo, why does her work seem so elusive?" (Read more here)

10 New Sci-Fi And Fantasy Books To Explore This Summer


"Vacation season, ahoy! If you're stuck at home this summer, you can always set off to faraway fictional lands with a new science-fiction or fantasy novel. Luckily, there are plenty to choose from. " (Read more here)

Watch Out, Wonder Woman, Female Superheroes Are On The Rise


"Ultimately, the key to changing the way underrepresented demographics are portrayed on the pages of comic books likely lies in the efforts to get more women and minorities writing, illustrating and producing comic characters. Maybe then we'll see female characters with realistic costumes and realistic body types." (Graphics via Vocativ) (Read more here)

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