GOP Wins Kansas And Georgia, One Seat Away From Majority

Senate Update: GOP Wins Kansas And Georgia
Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) was projected to defeat Independent candidate Greg Orman, according to CBS and Fox News.

The Kansas Senate race heated up in September, when Democrat Chad Taylor withdrew from the race and attempted to remove his name from the ballot. According to the AP, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach declared Taylor didn't fully comply with a state election law in submitting his letter of withdrawal, and the dispute was taken to the state Supreme Court. The court ordered the state to remove Taylor's name from the ballot.

A September poll suggested the court's decision might have boosted Orman's campaign.

But Roberts wasn't without support. On Oct. 28, the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund endorsed Roberts for Senate. The political action committee of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) launched a six-figure ad buy supporting Roberts in Kansas in late October, citing the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

"Pat Roberts was one of a few true conservative senators who stood with Rand Paul and said stop sending taxpayer's money to countries where radicals storm our embassies, burn our flag and kill our diplomats," a narrator said in the ad from Paul's PAC.

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