News Alert: Oregon college shooter identified as Chris Harper Mercer

Thursday October 1, 2015
Friends and family leave the county fairgrounds in Roseburg, Ore., Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015, following a deadly shooting at nearby Umpqua Community College. Students and faculty were bused to the fairgrounds where counselors were available and some parents waited for their children. (AP Photo/Ryan Kang)

Law enforcement officials have identified Chris Harper Mercer as the person responsible for the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, according to CBS and NBC.

He was armed with four weapons -- three handguns and one assault weapon, according to NBC News' Pete Williams. He was not a student at the school, authorities said. They are still working to figure out his connection to UCC, Williams said, and have uncovered "documents that expressed the philosophy of hate."

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