Friday's Morning Email: Congress Scrambles Ahead of Trade Vote

The Morning Email
Friday June 12th, 2015


JUDGEMENT DAY FOR OBAMA'S TRADE DEAL Democrats are expected to launch an 11th hour revolt against the controversial trade framework being pushed by the White House. And here's a great refresher on what the trade deal that Harry Reid calls "insanity" is all about. [Laura Barron-Lopez, HuffPost]

REPORT: HACKERS STOLE SSN FOR ALL FEDERAL EMPLOYEES "Hackers stole personnel data and Social Security numbers for every federal employee, a government worker union said Thursday, asserting that the cyber theft of U.S. employee information was more damaging than the Obama administration has acknowledged." [AP]

US WEIGHS MORE IRAQ BASES TO FIGHT ISIS The increase in hubs would likely mean an influx of US troops. Possible areas for new bases would include "the corridor from Baghdad to Tikrit and further north toward Mosul." [Reuters]

IRAN CONTINUES TO FUNNEL ARMS AND CASH TO TALIBAN Analysts believe the increase in cash and arms is meant as a counter to the growth of ISIS's power in Afghanistan and as a way to diminish U.S. influence in the region. [WSJ]

TWITTER CEO SHAKE-UP Twitter founder Jack Dorsey is headed back to the company as CEO as "embattled" Dick Costolo is stepping down. Here's some of the ways Dorsey could right the ship upon his return. [Alexander Kaufman, HuffPost]

RUPERT MURDOCH HANDING COMPANY OVER TO SONS As the media mogul hands over the keys to his media kingdom to his two sons, a look at his legacy. [NYT]


CHRISTOPHER LEE HAS DIED "Christopher Lee, the British actor known for his roles in 'Dracula,' ' Star Wars' and the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy, has died. He was 93." Tributes have poured in from across the acting world. [HuffPost]

YOU CAN NOW PLAY THE UBER VIDEO GAME Which is like being an Uber driver, except you don't get paid. [Wired]

THE TELETUBBIES ARE RETURNING Just after you finally stopped having nightmares about the terrifying children's characters. [HuffPost]

THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CATS AND SCHIZOPHRENIA "'Cat ownership in childhood has now been reported in three studies to be significantly more common in families in which the child is later diagnosed with schizophrenia or another serious mental illness,' wrote the researchers behind a new study published in the journal Schizophrenia Research." [HuffPost]

WHY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE BELIEVE IN THERAPY Imposter syndrome is the real deal. [HuffPost]


POPE FRANCIS OPENING HOMELESS SHELTER 30 FEET FROM VATICAN "Pope Francis will open a homeless shelter on the edge of Vatican City, the latest move by the pontiff to help poor people in Rome. The shelter is under construction on Via Penitenzieri, just a few steps away from the Vatican walls, a Holy See spokeswoman said." [HuffPost]


HOW 'ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK' MISREPRESENTS WOMEN'S FEDERAL PRISON "While Crazy Eyes, Jimmy and Lorna are the only characters who display any mental health issues on the show, in reality 62 percent of all women in federal prison suffer mental health problems. Jails are now our country's largest mental health providers." [HuffPost]


~ A bankrobber's take on how to rob a bank.

~ The origin of house music.

~ Yes, Bryce Dallas Howard can cry on command. It's called acting.

~ Doesn't get much better than high-fiving a great white shark.

~ This week's "So, That Happened" podcast takes a look at how Elizabeth Warren has no time for Jamie Dimon's "mansplaining."

~ Disney released the first trailer for its next great Pixar collaboration, "Zootopia."

~ Understanding how code runs the world.

~ Twitter is getting rid of the 140 character limit for direct messages.

~ People are getting a bit creepy about seeing American Pharoah.

~ "Orange is the New Black" dropped early on Netflix last night. Here's a refesher on where we left off last season.

~ LeBron played through his head injury, but his Cavaliers fell to the Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals game last night, evening the series to 2-2.

~ A new Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 theory suggests the plane did a direct nosedive into the ocean.

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