David Carr, New York Times columnist, has died at 58

David Carr, New York Times columnist, has died at 58
Ben Hider via Getty Images

Prominent New York Time columnist David Carr died in the newsroom on Thursday night, the paper announced.

The journalist was 58.

Carr covered media and culture for the Times, and his column "The Media Equation" was among the paper's most popular.

Earlier Thursday, Carr appeared at the New School in New York for an event with Edward Snowden, and journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras.

In 2008, he published a memoir about his drug addiction and recovery titled "The Night of the Gun." Carr was also a leading role in role in the documentary film, Page One, about the tumultuous times in journalism. In 2014, he was named the Lack Professor of Media Studies at Boston University.

In a memo, Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet called Carr the "finest media reporter of his generation, a remarkable and funny man who was one of the leaders of our newsroom."

Carr was born in Minnesota in 1956, and was the former editor of the Twin Cities Reader and the Washington City Paper. He is survived by a wife, Jill, and three children.

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