Why books are a perfect tool for silent protest πŸ“–

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Culture Shift is a weekly newsletter curated by the HuffPost Culture writers and editors.

This week we're talking about book-reading as silent protest, the new generation of agony aunts, comedian Kristina Wong's viral activism, a d*cktionary of crappy text responses, the politics of Jamaican dancehalls, and that nude Hillary Clinton painting.

Is Michel Houellebecq The French Jonathan Franzen?


On the lengths to which we'll go to defend our great white male novelists. (Read more here)

Jamaican Artist Explores How Fashion Can Become A Matter Of Survival


"In order to force one's way out of invisibility one has to create a reason to be seen." (Read more here)

Woman Reading A Book At A Trump Rally Should Inspire A Movement

book reader

Book-reading is a perfect tool for silent protest. (Read more here)

How Comedian Kristina Wong Went Viral, Then Took Her Art And Activism Offline


The time the Chinese-American performer became "white" in Africa. (Read more here)

If You Like 'Twin Peaks,' You'll Love This Book


A story collection with peculiar joys for any fan of the uncanny. (Read more here)

The D*ck-tionary You Need To Decode All Those Crappy Texts


Your A-Z guide to the anxiety-ridden language of texting. (Read more here)

An Artist Painted Hillary Clinton Nude, And She Didn't Stop There


Hillary's got a real fan in painter Sarah Sole. (Read more here)

The New Generation Of Agony Aunts Transforming The Advice Column


These new advice columnists aren't regular aunts. They're cool aunts! (Read more here)

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