By Lauren Weber with Eliot Nelson
keep you from procreating... or because it's hungry. This is THE MORNING EMAIL for Thursday, April 17, 2014.
The Scuttlebutt
"Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday accused the Kiev government of committing 'a serious crime' by sending in troops to quell unrest in Ukraine's east, as a clash overnight left three pro-Russian protesters dead and 13 wounded." Meanwhile, the Russian economy was hurting even before sanctions. And here's where China stands in all of this. [WSJ]
"Strong currents, rain and bad visibility hampered an increasingly anxious search Thursday for 287 passengers still missing a day after their ferry flipped onto its side and sank in cold waters off the southern coast of South Korea." Only one of the 46 lifeboats was purportedly deployed in the disaster. Some hope remains for the missing, many of whom are high school students on a school trip, due to possible air pockets. CNN has more photos of the tragedy, and heartbreaking texts from the teenagers aboard are beginning to emerge. [AP]
"Three days after heavily armed men raided a Nigerian school and seized 129 girls, the fate of 8 is still unclear." The militant group behind the attack, Boko Haram, is making a name for its lethality. Boko Haram translates to "western education is sin." [CNN]
STATESIDE: California Town Evacuated
Hundreds were evacuated from a California town after a potentially explosive military shell was found in the trash. A lost three-year-old was found in a claw crane machine. What. The Koch brothers' net worth just topped $100 billion, which is nothing to sneeze at. This armed robber was sentenced to 13 years in prison, but never told to report to jail. So he didn't. Fifteen people were injured when two firetrucks crashed into each other. And Sallie Mae cheated veterans out of federal student loans.
In hard-knock life news, here's a baby who just can't decide whether to eat or sleep.
INTERNATIONAL INTRIGUE: 2,000 SARS Virus Vials Missing???
A prestigious French research institution "lost" over 2,000 vials of the SARS virus. Gulp. The submarine sent to find the missing Malaysian plane completed its first scan of 35 square miles. The results have turned up nothing so far, but authorities are looking into a nearby oil slick. A broke UN Agency warned of the horrorific violence in the Central African Republic. And Turkey and Twitter are trying to work things out, but it's gonna take more than 140 characters.
In kisses news, here's one dog who really needs to take "he's just not that into you" to heart.
BUY! SELL! BUY! Freshman Year of Life
The New York Times hired and fired Goldman's CEO Lloyd Blankfein -- all in one week. Paul Krugman's set to make $25,000 a month off of an inequality lecture job. Are you a recent college grad in your freshman year of life? Here's what you should be looking to learn. If you like General Mills on Facebook, you've voided your right to sue the company. And the tech stock drop has hit startup funding ... hard.
In time-wasting news, here's seven sites you should be looking at instead of Microsoft Outlook.
SCOUTING REPORT: Kobe's Telling It Like It Is
Kobe Bryant's face in the latest Lakers team photo is hilarious. Here's how the pundits think the fight for the Stanley Cup will go. Eighteen-year-old Chase Elliott has roared onto the NASCAR scene. And here are the NBA players you want on your team with one minute left on the clock. [Image via Deadspin]
In 1789 news, here's an Ikea-style guillotine.
CULTURE CATCH-UP: Idina Menzel Wins At Life
Here's the first photo from the set of the new "Star Wars." You're welcome. Fox 2000 tapped the "Elf" scribe to pen a "Mrs. Doubtfire" sequel. The director of "X-Men: Days of Future Past" has been accused of sexually abusing a teenage boy. These girls actually think they're dating Prince Harry in the first trailer for Fox's latest reality gotcha series. And America just can't let it go: "Frozen" is the number one album...AGAIN.
In idiot news, here's a guy who learned the hard way not to take a selfie next to a moving train (don't worry, he's fine).
LIVIN': Babies Are Salting Your Game
Recent research says your baby cries in the middle of the night to keep you from having other children. Are you a bookworm? Here's how to fit a home library into even the smallest of spaces. Check out what you and your partner's sleeping habits say about your relationship. And for the preppies out there, here's J. Crew's spring styling secrets.
In justice news, here's the German Shepherd that was summoned for jury duty. Our faith in the legal system is at an all-time high right now.
OTHER PEOPLE'S BUSINESS: Donna's Dating Tom Cruise?!?
Forget stuffed bears: An Australian official gave Prince George an adorable giant stuffed wombat. Jenny McCarthey and Donnie Walhberg are engaged -- look at that rock! Heidi Klum went topless on her latest beach vacay. Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis found out if their baby is going to be a boy or a girl! Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas look like they might be back together. And meet Scientology's new it couple: Tom Cruise and Laura Prepon. Say it ain't so, Donna.
In cooking news, here's how you should really cut tomatoes.
@AnaGasteyer: I spend approximately 27% of each day looking for my coffee cup or my phone.
@joshgroban: Writing. Nothing rhymes with jicama.
@AnnaKendrick47: "Yes, but maybe if I HAD these tiny whimsical bowls I WOULD throw dinner parties..." - every girl in Anthropologie ever
@CanYouNotTweets: RIP Spring..
4/12/14 - 4-14-14
You will be missed
@WhiteHouse: Pals.

A baby was born with four arms and four legs in China.
Got something to add? Send tips/quips/quotes/stories/photos/events/scoops to Lauren Weber ( Follow us on Twitter (@LaurenWeberHP). Does somebody keep forwarding you this newsletter? Get your own copy. It's free! Sign up here.
Research suggests your baby may be crying to The Scuttlebutt
- Heartbreaking texts from missing teenagers aboard sinking South Korean ferry
- Thousands of vials of a deadly virus go missing from a research institution
- Here's the first set photo from J.J. Abrams' "Star Wars" reboot
"Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday accused the Kiev government of committing 'a serious crime' by sending in troops to quell unrest in Ukraine's east, as a clash overnight left three pro-Russian protesters dead and 13 wounded." Meanwhile, the Russian economy was hurting even before sanctions. And here's where China stands in all of this. [WSJ]
"Three days after heavily armed men raided a Nigerian school and seized 129 girls, the fate of 8 is still unclear." The militant group behind the attack, Boko Haram, is making a name for its lethality. Boko Haram translates to "western education is sin." [CNN]
STATESIDE: California Town Evacuated
Hundreds were evacuated from a California town after a potentially explosive military shell was found in the trash. A lost three-year-old was found in a claw crane machine. What. The Koch brothers' net worth just topped $100 billion, which is nothing to sneeze at. This armed robber was sentenced to 13 years in prison, but never told to report to jail. So he didn't. Fifteen people were injured when two firetrucks crashed into each other. And Sallie Mae cheated veterans out of federal student loans.
In hard-knock life news, here's a baby who just can't decide whether to eat or sleep.
INTERNATIONAL INTRIGUE: 2,000 SARS Virus Vials Missing???
In kisses news, here's one dog who really needs to take "he's just not that into you" to heart.
BUY! SELL! BUY! Freshman Year of Life
The New York Times hired and fired Goldman's CEO Lloyd Blankfein -- all in one week. Paul Krugman's set to make $25,000 a month off of an inequality lecture job. Are you a recent college grad in your freshman year of life? Here's what you should be looking to learn. If you like General Mills on Facebook, you've voided your right to sue the company. And the tech stock drop has hit startup funding ... hard.
In time-wasting news, here's seven sites you should be looking at instead of Microsoft Outlook.
SCOUTING REPORT: Kobe's Telling It Like It Is
In 1789 news, here's an Ikea-style guillotine.
CULTURE CATCH-UP: Idina Menzel Wins At Life
In idiot news, here's a guy who learned the hard way not to take a selfie next to a moving train (don't worry, he's fine).
LIVIN': Babies Are Salting Your Game
Recent research says your baby cries in the middle of the night to keep you from having other children. Are you a bookworm? Here's how to fit a home library into even the smallest of spaces. Check out what you and your partner's sleeping habits say about your relationship. And for the preppies out there, here's J. Crew's spring styling secrets.
In justice news, here's the German Shepherd that was summoned for jury duty. Our faith in the legal system is at an all-time high right now.
OTHER PEOPLE'S BUSINESS: Donna's Dating Tom Cruise?!?
In cooking news, here's how you should really cut tomatoes.
@AnaGasteyer: I spend approximately 27% of each day looking for my coffee cup or my phone.
@joshgroban: Writing. Nothing rhymes with jicama.
@AnnaKendrick47: "Yes, but maybe if I HAD these tiny whimsical bowls I WOULD throw dinner parties..." - every girl in Anthropologie ever
@CanYouNotTweets: RIP Spring..
4/12/14 - 4-14-14
You will be missed
@WhiteHouse: Pals.

A baby was born with four arms and four legs in China.
Got something to add? Send tips/quips/quotes/stories/photos/events/scoops to Lauren Weber ( Follow us on Twitter (@LaurenWeberHP). Does somebody keep forwarding you this newsletter? Get your own copy. It's free! Sign up here.
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